Japan Chapter

Interm Officers | Events | Goals

Shigeru Hirano
Vice President:
Hirotaka Hara, Koichiro Saito
Yoichiro Sugiyama, Mami Kaneko
Makoto Ogawa

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calendarRecent Meeting

Our first meeting is scheduled for


To develop a tight and broad community of laryngologists, speech language pathologists, singing teachers, singers, and other every professional related to voice in Japan, and to improve the understandings of anatomy, physiology, pathology of voice, and skills in the surgical and behavioral treatments for various voice disorders to catch up the world-level knowledge and technology.


  • At least 4 annual meetings will be held. Case studies, key note lectures, symposium, workshops, master classes, and others will be included in the program, which target the audience consisting of voice-beginners, students, SLPs, medical doctors, and singers. Anybody who are interested in voice are welcome to participate in.
  • World voice day events will be performed which consist of medical presentations, music festival, open forum, and others.
  • Japan chapter session will be planed in domestic meetings related to otolaryngology in Japan to provide updated information of the Voice Foundation.