Officers | Events | Goals

President: Elizabeth Ann Benson, DMA
President Elect: Valerie Accetta, MFA
Secretary/Treasurer: Luvada A. Harrison, DM
Social Media Director: Chloe McWhirter
Membership Director: Mollie A. Adams, MM

Past-President: Edie Hapner, PhD




The Alabama Chapter of the Voice Foundation celebrates their 4th Annual World Voice Day Cabaret!

Invite your friends, colleagues, and students for a watch party of our 4th Annual online Cabaret! Join in together or on your own with others to watch and celebrate the many unique uses of the voice!

Register to join us on April 28, 2024 at 5pm CST

Our October presentation of the Alabama Chapter of the Voice Foundation is geared towards our members & friends who work with the adolescent voice or are interested in working with the adolescent voice! We will     host a discussion on “Adolescent Voice Perspectives” with Maia Nystrum Braden, M.S., CCC-SLP & Chadley Ballantyne, DMA. 

    Please join us on Sunday, October 22, 5:00pm as we welcome Maia and Chadley and learn about pedagogy, development, and pathology for the young voice

    In this DUAL- lecture presentation , we’ll explore the developmental journey of young singers, highlighting age-appropriate pedagogical expectations and stages of development of the vocal instrument. In addition, we     will consider resonant voice and style diverse vocal training for adolescent singers through the lens of voice acoustics and perception. We will also hear about working with young singers with vocal injuries and     common pathologies and misconceptions.

     Invite your friends, students, interns, anyone who would be interested!

The Alabama chapter of the Voice Foundation invites you to join our
August Meeting “When Art meets Science. Voice Therapy for singers”

Our meeting will be held virtually on zoom on August 27, 2023 at 5pm CST

In this hour-long presentation, UAB Voice Center Clinical Fellows Sarah Hoch and Jacob Wright will discuss their paths to voice specialized speech pathology, identify and debunk common misconceptions about the voice among singers, and explore the relationship between the voice instructor and speech pathologist.

Link to register for meeting is :


Alabama Chapter of the Voice Foundation – Coordinating the Whole: Alexander Technique for Voice Users
Jan 22, 2023 05:00 PM in Central Time (US and Canada)

The Alabama Chapter of the Voice Foundation hosts Bharat Panuganti, MD for a discussion on the “Biomechanics and Contemporary Surgical Management of the Human Voice.”

Register to join us online on October 23, 2022 at 4pm for this informative presentation.

Bio: Bharat Panuganti is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at the University of Alabama-Birmingham. He completed both his undergraduate and medical school degrees at Saint Louis University, before completing his residency training in otolaryngology-head and neck surgery at the University of California-San Diego. His residency training included an NIH-funded (T-32) post-doctoral fellowship, which he completed under the mentorship of Dr. Pablo Tamayo, PhD, with a specific focus in discerning molecular subtypes of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma using a novel cancer classification and data analytic platform (Onco-GPS). He most recently completed his fellowship training in Laryngeal Surgery with internationally renowned surgeon, Steven Zeitels, MD, at the Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School. He has clinical and research interests in the endoscopic management of early glottic cancer, phonomicrosurgery for benign phonotraumatic vocal fold lesions, laryngotracheal stenosis, and voice preservation in laryngeal surgery.

World Voice Day 
The Alabama Chapter of The Voice Foundation will be hosting a World Voice Day Cabaret on April 24

Sunday, October 3, 4:00pm 

Zoom Registration Required

This meeting will begin with a “More than Major” singing warm-up by Dr. Elizabeth Ann Benson, Associate Professor of Music Theatre at Auburn University.
We will then welcome our featured guest speaker Joanne Bozeman, Emerita Instructor of Music at Lawrence University and Co-Author of Singing Through Change: Women’s Voices in Midlife, Menopause, and Beyond.

Singing Through Change by Nancy Bos, Joanne Bozeman, and Cate Frazier-Neely was published in 2020 and is the first book about singing during perimenopause, menopause, and through aging. Find out more about the book here, and by coming to our meeting!

To RSVP, please email


The Alabama chapter was formed in 2020 with a mission to build a broader community of voice practitioners, voice educators, and professional and occupational voice users in Alabama and to create opportunities for networking, collaborating, and education. The 14 founding members represent speech and language pathologists, singing and voice trainers, and laryngologists brought together by our common goal to strengthen our local community of voice professionals through development activities and networking, and to recruit future membership through student-focused outreach.


We meet quarterly. To keep informed about upcoming meetings, please email alabamavoicefoundation@gmail.comChapter meetings are open to the public, so please spread the word to all who might be interested!


We strongly encourage you to join The Voice Foundation. Part of your dues will come back to our local chapter if you select the “Alabama Chapter” on your registration form. This allows us to bring you even more enriching professional development opportunities through our chapter meetings.