Advancing understanding of the voice through interdisciplinary research & education
The Mission of The Voice Foundation is to enhance knowledge, care and training of the voice through educational programs; to publish material for voice care professionals, the public and professional voice users; and to support and fund voice research.

- 1969 Formation of The Voice Foundation by Wilbur James Gould, MD in New York City
- 1972 First Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice
- 1973 First Voice Foundation Gala (Later named Voices of Summer)
- 1989 Leadership of Robert Thayer Sataloff, MD, DMA, FACS and the move to Philadelphia
When The Voice Foundation was founded in 1969 by the internationally celebrated voice specialist Wilbur James Gould, M.D., interdisciplinary care of the human voice was virtually nonexistent. Dr. Gould’s groundbreaking foresight brought together physicians, scientists, speech-language pathologists, performers, and teachers to share their knowledge and expertise in the care of the professional voice user.
Since 1989, Robert Thayer Sataloff, M.D., D.M.A., F.A.C.S., an internationally renowned otolaryngologist, professional singer, conductor and author of more than 1000 publications including 48 textbooks, has continued in this mission of advancing understanding of the voice through interdisciplinary scientific research and education.
The Voice Foundation presents its annual, international Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This symposium is attended by hundreds of medical, scientific, academic, and speech-language professionals as well as performing artists. Papers are presented to educate medical and scientific communities, as well as artists and the public, about advances being made in voice science and care.