You are about to embark on a challenging but exciting mission, that of forming a Local Chapter of The Voice Foundation. We commend you on your initiative and will do everything we can to help you succeed. The emphasis of a Local Chapter is on the word “local.” While any TVF member might encourage and support the creation of a new chapter, members in the area to be served must be the driving force behind the formation activities.
Download instructions to form a chapter: TVFChapter_How_to_start_a_chapter
The Goal
The goal of Local TVF Chapters is to offer people interested in the different disciplines of voice care and training the opportunity to come together regularly to share their experiences and to encourage each other in activities that conform to the Foundation’s goals and policies The focus is on truly local activities connecting professionals with each other. Events and meetings with invited speakers, workshops, master classes and mini-symposia are some examples of what a Local Chapter may offer. Above all, it provides a handy and convenient network for everyday access. The purpose of this is to introduce the concept of Local Chapters and to encourage you to create one in your hometown.
Download instructions to form a chapter: TVFChapter_How_to_start_a_chapter