Program Highlights
53rd Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice
May 29 – June 2, 2024

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New Online Symposium Calendar

Quintana Awardee Lecture: Susan Thibeault, PhD,
“Biomedical Engineering Approaches in Understanding Vocal Fold Biology

G. Paul Moore Lecture: Jack Jiang, MD
“Together, we make voice better”

Friday Morning Special Session: Describing Voices 

Moderator:  Nancy Pearl Solomon, PhD
8:00am      Introduction
Nancy Pearl Solomon, PhD
8:10am      The Map Undeniably Shows, Voices are … Different!
Peter Pabon, PhD
8:50am      Vive la DiffĂ©rence: Mapping Changes in the Voice
Sten Ternström, PhD
9:15am       Singers and Scientists Unite – Speaking a Common Language
Christian Herbst, PhD
9:40am      Coffee Break – Exhibit Hall
10:10am    Describing Voice Quality in 5 Minutes: Balancing Feasibility and Psychometric Validity
Kathleen Nagle, PhD
10:35am    Meaningful Objective Voice Assessments: A Clinical Analysis
Meike Brockmann-Bauser, PD PhD MSc dipl. Klin. Log.
11:00am    Panel Discussion
Moderator: Nancy Pearl Solomon, PhD
Panel: Pabon, Ternström, Herbst, Nagle, Brockmann-Bauser
11:50am     End of session

Nancy Pearl Solomon, PhD
Peter Pabon, PhD
Sten Ternström, PhD
Christian Herbst, PhD
Kathleen Nagle, PhD
Meike Brockmann-Bauser, PD PhD


Panel: Saturday, June 1st 10:10AM
Voice and Artificial Intelligence
(AI): Scope, Challenges, Limits and Ethical Principles.
Moderator: Carlos Manzano, MD, MS
Panelists: Hamzeh Ghasemzadeh, PhD, Leonardo Wanderley Lopes PhD,
Lady Catherine Cantor Cutiva, PhD, David Meyer DM

Panel Sunday, June 2nd 11 AM
Challenging Cases in Voice Professionals
Moderator: Robert T. Sataloff, M.D., D.M.A., F.A.C.S.
Panelists: Thomas Carroll, MD, Carlos Manzano, MD, MS

Full Agenda

2024 Gala Awardees
Friday, May 31st, 2024