Dr. Abdul-Latif Hamdan has generously given The Voice Foundation an endowment to fund the Hamdan International Presenter Award for investigators traveling from outside the United States to present at The Voice Foundation Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice.
This award is open to investigators who are accepted to present in the yearly Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice and who are coming from outside the United States.
International Presentation Award
To Enter: Please send the following in one pdf to office@voicefoundation.org
1. Letter of intent – a short paragraph about your training and mentioning your research
2. Your CV
3. A copy of your accepted abstract
The application deadline: is February 15th of the Symposium year.
Selection: The winner will be selected by a committee and will be notified by The Voice Foundation on or before April 15th.
Selection will be based on a number of criteria including, but not limited to the quality of the study or studies, the impact of investigation on the field of voice, and the complexity of the work. The award will be given to an investigator who is the PRESENTING Author (and preference will be given if it is also the First Author) traveling from overseas (anywhere outside of North America) to the Annual meeting of The Voice Foundation.
The winner will receive:
• $1,000 to support travel costs to The Voice Foundation Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice
• An Award Certificate
• Recognition in Voice Foundation materials
• A letter will be sent to the winner’s program director recognizing his or her accomplishment.

2024 Matthias Echternach, MD, Germany
Biomechanical Sound Production in High-Pitched Classical Singing – the “Queen of the Night” Does Not Whistle
Matthias Echternach, MD, Fabian Burk, MD, Marie Köberlein, PhD, MS, Michael Döllinger, PhD,
Michael Burdumy, PhD, Bernhard Richter, MD, Ingo Titze, PhD,Coen Elemans, PhD, Christian Herbst, PhD
2023 Leonardo Lopes, PhD, Brazil
“Different Performances of Machine Learning Models to Classify Dysphonic and Non-Dysphonic Voices”
Leonardo Lopes, PhD, Ronei Moraes, PhD, Danilo Leite, PhD

2022 Debra Jean Phyland, PhD, Australia
Introducing EAVE: A Self-Report Tool for Tracking the Perceived Physical Aspects of Vocal Function
Debra Jean Phyland, PhD, Nicole Free, SLP, Mara Behlau, PhD
2021 Filipa M.B. Lã, PhD, Portugal
The Effects of the Menopause and the Use of Hormonal Replacement Therapy on the Voice: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Filipa M.B. Lã, PhD, Diego Ardura, PhD

2020 Not Awarded at the Virtual Symposium
2014 Edwin Yiu, PhD, Hong Kong
Anti-Inflammatory and Wound Healing Effect of Acupuncture in Treating Phonotraumatic Vocal Fold Pathologies
2013 Christian Herbst, PhD, Austria
Phasegram Analysis of Vocal Fold Vibration Documented With Laryngeal High-speed Video Endoscopy
Christian T. Herbst, Jakob Unger, Hanspeter Herzel, Jan G. Švec, Jörg Lohscheller
2012 Laura Enflo, Sweden