54th Symposium Dates: May 28th – June 1st, 2025
| 2025 Agenda | Symposium Registration | Faculty Disclosures | Continuing Education Credits | Master Class
What is the Annual Symposium?
The Annual Symposium is a five-day international meeting, held in Philadelphia USA, featuring advanced programming presented by leading professionals in the voice care field. Papers, Posters, Workshops and Panels are presented to educate the scientific and artistic communities about advances being made in voice science, care and training.
Voice professionals, including surgeons, scientists, speech-language pathologists, voice teachers, performing artists and students from all over the world come to gather the most up-to-date research findings, therapeutic techniques, and improved surgical methods in the field of voice medicine. At this event, participants have the opportunity to network with colleagues, see product demonstrations, learn cutting-edge techniques and earn continuing education credits.
The Voice Foundation Symposium is CME and CEU -accredited.
The program is designed to encourage upcoming researchers and teachers. As part of the symposium, young researchers have an opportunity to connect with and learn from senior scientists by first presenting their research as posters and, as they progress, as oral presentations.
Who Will Be At The Symposium?
More than 500 voice care professionals attend, including a strong faculty attendance from hospitals and universities world-wide. Papers presented at this Symposium educate the public and the scientific community on the latest advances in voice science and care.
- Representatives from approximately 35 states and 30 countries
- Researchers in Otolaryngology, Voice Science, Speech Pathology and Voice Pedagogy
- Speech Language Pathologists in Voice
- Professors and Teachers of Singing, Acting and Speaking
- Otolaryngologists, Fellows, Residents and Graduate Students in training
- Performing Artists and Celebrities
Why Attend the Annual Symposium?
- Network with the world’s leading Otolaryngologists, SLPs, Scientists, Performing Artists and Teachers.
- For the INTERDISCIPLINARY presentations, posters and workshops
- For the most up-to-date research information for diagnosis, treatment and care of the voice
- Possibility to earn CME Credit Hours
- Possibility to earn CEU Credit Hours
- Be part of advancing the research, diagnosis and treatment of the Professional Voice, helping those who depend on their voices to earn a living, including Actors; Singers; Broadcasters; Teachers; Physicians; Lawyers; Salespeople and countless others
- Unite Medicine, Science & Art
- Review the offerings of companies with products specific to Voice

Annual Symposium Research Awards
- Sundberg-Titze Award one of the most highly regarded recognitions in the global
world of voice - Sataloff Award for New Investigators (sponsored by Elsevier)
- Hamdan Award for International Presenters (endowed by Abdul-latif Hamdan, MD)
- Dysphonia International Research Award (Dysphonia International and TVF, for related research)
- Van L. Lawrence Fellowship (co-sponsored by NATS and for NATS members)
- Journal of Voice Best Paper Awards in Basic Science, Clinical Mecicine, Speech-language/Vocal Pedagogy categories
- Best Poster Awards: Judged by a wide range of senior researchers.
- Best Student Presentation (Sponsored by Abdul-latif Hamdan, MD)
- Gisele Oliveira Award
The New Investigators Research Forum Award gives two young researchers the opportunity to present their research-in-progress to the world’s most respected scientists in the field for feedback, as well as free registration to the symposium.
Symposium Committees
Planning Committee
Michael S. Benninger, Philip Doucette, Amanda Gillespie, Mary Hawkshaw, Michael M. Johns, Thomas Murry, Robert T. Sataloff, Ronald C. Scherer, Nancy P. Solomon, Johan Sundberg
Basic Science Program
David Eddins, Ronald C. Scherer, Johan Sundberg, Nancy P. Solomon
Medicine Program
Michael S. Benninger, Thomas Carroll, Michael M. Johns, Robert T. Sataloff
Speech-Language Pathology Program
Lady Catherine Cantor-Cutiva, Amanda Gillespie, Thomas Murry, Debra Phyland
Voice Pedagogy Program
Ken Bozeman, David Meyer, John Nix
Workshops Program
Philip Doucette, Bridget Rose, Jennifer Yeatts
Panel Development
Robert T. Sataloff, MD
Young Laryngologists
Aaron Jaworek, Chair
New Investigators Research Forum
Rita Patel, PhD, Chair
Mara Behlau, Christian Herbst, Shigeru Hirano, David Meyer
Quintana Voice Research Award
Ronald C. Scherer, Chair
Mara Behlau, Dimitar Deliyski, Ulrich Eysholdt, Luc Mongeau, Jan Švec, Johan Sundberg
Hamdan Best Student / Giselle Oliveira Awards Committee
Shaheen Awan, Chair
Claudia Eckley, Jeannette LoVetri, Lyndsay Leigh Madden, Stephanie Misono, Peter Popolo
Hamdan International Presentation Award
Rahul Shrivastav, Chair
Jonathan Bock, Ray Colton, Aaron Johnson
Sataloff Award for Young Investigators
Norman Hogikyan, Chair
Dale Ekbom, Eric Hunter
Denis Lafreniere, David E. Rosow, Kristiane van Lierde
Van L. Lawrence Fellowship Award
Robert T. Sataloff, Chair
Diana Allan, Margaret Baroody, Lynn Helding, Adam Rubin, Josef Schlömicher-Thier
Dysphonia International Research Award (DIRA) Award
Linda Carroll, Chair
Chaya Guntupalli (Nanjundeswaran), Cara Stepp, Gayle Woodson