The Voice Foundation News
2025 Van L. Lawrence Fellowship
The National Association of Teachers of Singing and The Voice Foundation are delighted to announce Nicholas Perna as the 2025 Van L. Lawrence Fellowship Award recipient. This prestigious honor includes a $2,000 award to support Perna’s research and the opportunity to attend the 54th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice, May 28-June 1, 2025, in…
2024 Van L. Lawrence Fellowship Winner, Dr. Ana Flavia Zuim, PhD
Dr. Ana Flavia Zuim, Ph.D. The primary purpose of Ana Flavia’s research proposal is to explore thresholds of safe vocal dosing via dosimetry and singers’ perception of vocal fatigue via the EASE score. Data will be pursued by creating a catalog of vocal doses, from song and dialogue, of individual Broadway roles as sung by…
2023 November The Voice Newsletter
The Voice!From the Editor, Then & Now! Kimberly Steinhauer, Ph.D.President, Estill Voice InternationalPittsburgh, PA Welcome to this special investigative issue focused on uncovering the motivation, devotion, and drive behind The Voice Foundation Leaders…Then & Now. I’m keeping it current and borrowing from those popular “Then/Now” social media memes. Back then, I hoped to combine my love…
17th Phonosurgery Course and International Workshop (Hybrid)
Register Here Download Flyer We cordially invite you for our 17th Phonosurgery course and International workshop on Hybrid basis on 28th and 29th of October 2023. On 28th October there will be LIVE SURGICAL DEMO on Office Based Laryngeal Surgeries and Phonomicrosurgeries and LECTURES by eminent National and Intenational Faculty on Virtual (Zoom) basis. On 29th October…
Newsletter 2023 September
Dear Voice Foundation Members,I hope that everyone had a wonderful summer after a great kickoff in Philadelphia at the 52nd Annual Symposium! During the symposium, presenters in one of the speech-language pathology sessions shared their research aiming to understand the experiences of speakers and singers with voice disorders. The audience members’ questions and comments showed…
World Voice Day 2023
THE THOMAS JEFFERSON UNIVERSITY CHOIR AND ORCHESTRA Present Franz Joseph Haydn’s Lord Nelson Mass Excerpts from Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess ROBERT THAYER SATALOFF, M.D., D.M.A. Conductor PHILIP DOUCETTE, M.A., M.M. Associate Conductor MARGARET M. BAROODY, M.M. Associate Conductor Emerita YONI LEVYATOV Accompanist In celebration of World Voice Day 2023 In collaboration with The Voice Foundation…
February 2023 Newsletter
On Shaky Ground Part II In the current issue, the authors discuss vocal vibrato from research, teaching, and treatment perspectives.
William Bonner, Best of The Year Award
We are thrilled to hear that William Bonner has been awarded the Domingão com Huck Best of the Year award for journalism. Congratulations to him on such an inspiring achievement! We know he’ll continue to achieve many more great things and inspire us all. We are as proud as ever to have honored his achievements here…
Podcast with Dr. Sataloff
Your voice…perhaps the most underrated and misunderstood human ability. For an ankle sprain, you go see a trainer, a physical therapist, a sports doc, you wear a brace, get taped, do some exercises. For vocal injuries, for vocal dysfunctions, what do you do? How do you make your voice better? How do you improve your…
2023 Awards
2022 Symposium Awards Sataloff Young Investigators AwardAhmed M Yousef, MSc “Deep-Learning-Based Representation of Vocal Fold Dynamics in Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia during Connected Speech in High-Speed Videoendoscopy” Hamdan International Presentation AwardDebra Jean Phyland, PhD “Introducing EAVE: A Self-Report Tool for Tracking the Perceived Physical Aspects of Vocal Function”Debra Jean Phyland, PhD, Nicole Free, SLP, Mara Behlau,…
SoCal Chapter Meeting
Greetings, SoCal Voice Foundation chapter! Chapter Event
Van Lawrence Winner Ian Howell
Ian Howell The National Association of Teachers of Singing and the Voice Foundation have named Ian Howell of Boston, Massachusetts, as the 2022 Van L. Lawrence Fellowship Award winner. Howell will have the opportunity to attend the annual Symposium on Care of the Professional Voice and receive a $2,000 award toward his research project. Howell…
So. Cal Chapter Meeting
OUR SPEAKER Laura is also an opera singer and has sung with LA Opera, Long Beach Opera, Lyric Opera of San Diego, as well as orchestras and opera companies around the country. Between singing gigs, Laura studied improvisation for years, and went on to teach improv courses for Operaworks and guest improv classes at many…
With an Audible Gasp
THE VOICE Fall 2021 Newsletter Click on the picture for your copy of The Voice
SoCal Voice Community
Southern California Chapter of The Voice Foundation (SoCal Chapter) A new president, a new board! The new president, Lauren Timmons Sund, BM, MS, CCC-SLP, is a Speech-Language Pathologist and Speech Pathology Director at the USC Voice Center – USC Caruso Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery. She brings great energy to the chapter…
Summer 2021 Newsletter
Click to access Summer-2021.pdf
Van Lawrence Winner Edrie Means Weekly
The 2020 Van Lawrence Fellowship Award Congratulations to Edrie Means Weekly! Awarded jointly by The Voice Foundation and National Association of Teachers of Singing Foundation “The Parameters of Breath Stamina and Muscle Tension in Elite Musical Theatre Singers Post Covid19 and Whether Those Parameters Change with Treatment Protocol” Edrie Means Weekly, MM, is an active…
Student Membership
Student Membership Document Upload To complete your student membership, please upload your Student ID or a Letter from your program director.
Perceptual Voice Qualities Database
We are happy to announce the Perceptual Voice Qualities Database (PVQD) 296 Audio Files (in .wav format) of the CAPE-V vowels and sentences. Research done by Patrick R. Walden, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, St. John’s University This database was created through generous funding from The Voice Foundation’s Advancing Scientific Voice Research Grant. It contains voice samples which…
Singing When Sick: Clinical Guidance The summer newsletter is now available HERE. Editor, Mary Sandage, has gathered information from laryngologists about treatments and decisions for singing when you are ill. Editorial Singing and the Pandemic: Return to Performance? The Benefits and Risks Robert T. Sataloff, M.D., D.M.A. Matthew R. Naunheim, M.D., M.B.A., Thomas Carroll, M.D….
Editorial: Singing and the Pandemic
Singing and the Pandemic: Return to Performance? Note: This editorial article is intended for use in multiple publications in order to disseminate important information as widely as possible. The copyright is held by The Voice Foundation. This document is being made available for unrestricted use at no cost. It should be acknowledged as “republished with…
World Voice Day 2021 Join Me, Join Us at 7:00 PM EDT!! Translation English – Spanish. WORLD VOICE DAY Symposium with TVF Mexico Chapter on Friday, April 16th. With translation into Spanish. FREE FOR ALL. 7-10:30PM EDT. Registration: HERE Hola invitamos a todos los cantantes, actores, locutores, maestros de canto, médicos foniatras, laringólogos, otorrinolaringólogos, terapeutas…