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Ode to Autumn Newsletter 2017
Is it Resonance or Voice Quality? We’ve made a couple of important edits to our author information. With apologies to Dan Ihasz and Elizabeth Ann Benson. “The inspiration for this issue arose during a Voice Foundation presentation when Dr. Ronald Scherer quietly commented to me in the back row, ‘Does she mean voice quality…
Chicago Chapter Event
The Chicago Chapter will host Jeanie LoVetri and Dr. H. Steven Sims for a workshop. This effort is to bring the art and science communities of voice together in Chicago. We hope to keep the cost very low so that as many people as possible can attend. The workshop is co-sponsored by The Voice Foundation, the Chicago Institute…
Best Student Presentation Award
Best Student Presentation Award A generous endowment by TVF Board of Directors member Dr. Abdul-latif Hamdan enables us to recognize excellence among students presenting research at the Symposium with a $1,000 Award. Attention: Symposium Presenters / Authors This year, for the first time, The Voice Foundation Symposium will be awarding a Best Student Presentation Award….
NATS Members Special Subscription
Are YOU a NATS Member? The Voice Foundation is offering NATS Members a special $99 subscription price for Journal of Voice. Read about it here
Seattle/Northwest Chapter meeting 12/2/2013
Hi all you voice enthusiasts! The holidays are upon us but before you get too tied up with all the craziness, remember that we have a NWCVF meeting and great presentation planned for December 2nd. The title of our presentation is “Introversion, Extroversion, and the Voice: Myths, Science and Treatment Implications” and will be presented…
JOV Best Paper Awards
Congratulations! The Journal of Voice Best Paper Awards are presented annually in three categories: Basic Science, Clinical Medicine, and Speech-Language Pathology/Vocal Pedagogy, and are decided by the Editorial Board. They are currently posted at and are free to read and download for the next six months. 2016 Basic Science An Oral Pressure Conversion Ratio…