Best Student Presentation Award

A generous endowment by TVF Board of Directors member Dr. Abdul-Latif Hamdan enables us to recognize excellence among students presenting research at the Symposium with a $1,000 Award.

Attention: Symposium Presenters / Authors

The Voice Foundation Symposium will be awarding a Best Student Presentation Award. If you are a student and interested in applying, we would appreciate it if you could please send a letter of intent responding to the following questions and send it to Ian DeNolfo at by March 1 along with the abstract for your presentation. Please send this information in one PDF.

  • Is your accepted paper/poster derived from a Doctoral Dissertation, Master’s Thesis, or academic independent study? Yes/No (If Yes, indicate which is applicable)
  • If yes, please provide a detailed description of your role in the overall project, as well as a description of the role of any other collaborators (including your advisor).
  • Please provide the title of your project, the list of authors, format (Poster vs. Oral Presentation), and date and time of presentation.
  • Submit a copy of your final power-point presentation or PDF (for oral presentation or poster)to Ian DeNolfo at by May 1st.

Abdul-Latif Hamdan, MD

“It is evident that this symposium is an attractive educational platform for students from all over the world. One of the main constraints to attendance is money. I believe that offering a Best Student Award will encourage their attendance.”

Award Committee

Our thanks to Dr. Hamdan for his support and for the hard work of the Award Committee.
Committee Chair: Shaheen N. Awan
Committee members: David Eddins, Jeannette LoVetri, Lyndsay Madden, Deanna McBroom, Stephanie Misono

Best Student Presentation Award Winners


Charles Nudelman, CCC-SLP, MS
“Altered Auditory Feedback via Bone Conduction Reduces Vocal Fatigue”


Ahsan Jamal Cheema, MS
Characterizing Vocal Hyperfunction using Ecological Momentary Assessment of Relative Fundamental Frequency”

Charles Nudelman, Ahsan Jamal Cheema and Robert T. Sataloff, MD


Camilla Reimer, BA
Comparison of Professional and Recreational Vocal Performers in Knowles Treatment of Voice-Related Health Issues


Clara Leyns, MSc
Short-term Acoustic Effects of Speech Therapy in Transgender Women

Clara Leyns and Robert T. Sataloff, MD
2020 Virtual Voice

Arash Mahnan, PhD Candidate – University of Minnesota
Vibro Tactile Simulation as a Feasible SymptomaticTreatment for the Voice Disorder Spasmodic Dysphonia.
Authors: Arash Mahnan MS, Sanaz Khosravani PhD, Peter J. Watson PhD, Yang Zhang PhD, George Goding MD, Juergen Konczak PhD

2019 TIE

Alison Hilger Ph.D. Candidate in the Dept. of Communication Sciences & Disorders, Northwestern University
Increased Auditory Feedback Sensitivity Early in Phrasal Production
Authors: Alison Hilger, Charles Larson

Hamzeh Ghasemzadeh, Michigan State University PhD Student, USA
Method for Vertical Calibration of Laser-Projection Transnasal Fiberoptic High-Speed Videoendoscopy
Authors: Hamzeh Ghasemzadeh, Dimitar D. Deliyski, David S. Ford, James B. Kobler , Robert E. Hillman,  Daryush D. Mehta

Charles Larson, co-author accepting for Alison Hilger, with Dr. Robert Sataloff
2019 Hamzeh Ghasemzadeh and Dr. Robert Sataloff

Matteo Scalabrin – Italy
Inspiratory Vocal Fry: Anatomical and Physiological Aspects and Application in Speech Therapy, Vocal Pedagogy and Singing: A Pilot Study
Authors: Matteo Scalabrin, SLP, Luca Carrozza, SLP, Elisabetta Rosa, SLP,  Nico Paolo Paolillo, MD

Matteo Scalabrin, 2018 Best Student Presentation

Jeong Min Lee – USA
Comparison of Two Acoustic Indices of Dysphonia Severity: The AVQI and CSID
Authors: Jeong Min Lee, Nelson Roy

Jeong Min Lee, MS and Dr. Robert Sataloff 2017

Marion Semmler  – Germany
Dynamic 3D Parameters from High-Speed Videoendoscopy


Matthew Schloneger – USA
Assessments of Voice Use and Voice Quality Among College/University Singing Students Ages 18-24 Through Ambulatory Monitoring with an Unfiltered Accelerometer Signa

Matthew Schloneger, with Dr. Robert Sataloff, Chairman
Matthew Schloneger, with Dr. Robert Sataloff, Chairman – 2015




