Institutional Grants for Educational and Research Projects
I. General Policies and Objectives
A grant represents a mutual joining of interests on the part of The Voice Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the Foundation) and the grantee institution (hereinafter referred to as the grantee) in the pursuit of a common objective. Specifically, applications will be considered for:
- Educational Projects, such as publications, symposia, workshops and training programs which are directed to informing the scientific community and the public about research and care of the voice.
- Research Projects directed to all aspects of the voice, such as the investigation of physiology, biochemistry, genetics, as well as anatomy, pathology, psychology, and neurolarngology.
The qualifications of the grantee must meet the requirements and standards adopted by the Foundation’s Board of Directors. These requirements and standards are adhered to by the Advisory Board, in making recommendations to the Board of Directors. In all circumstances, the subject of the project, the conception of its possible value and the plans for developing it must have sufficient merit. In accepting the grant, the grantee is responsible for using grant funds for the purposes set forth in the application and a confirming letter-of-agreement with the Foundation. It is requested that completed research be submitted for consideration for presentation at the Foundation’s annual symposium on care of the professional voice and for publication in the Journal of Voice
II. Procedures for Educational and Research Projects
- Terms and Conditions
- Approved Project is defined as an identified activity or program approved by the Foundation for support for a specific period of time
- Project Period is defined as the time, not exceeding three years, for which new, or continuation, support has been recommended.
- An award generally will be made in the amount estimated to be needed for a period not to exceed 12 months (project year). The project year may be extended up to six months without additional funds if requested by the grantee before the end of the project.
- If additional support is desired for a period beyond the approved first year, a continuation application must be submitted consisting primarily of an interim progress report for the preceding year. Contingent upon the satisfactory development of the project, such applications for grant continuation will compete for available funds.
- Budget for Project Year, Expenditures Report and Unexpended Funds
- It is expected that the distribution of costs between categories of expenditures will follow the budget included in the approved application. Transfers between categories may be made by the grantee without specific approval if such transfers do not significantly change the character or the scope of the project. Conversely, contemplated project changes must be approved by the Board of Directors.
- All obligations of grant funds must be incurred within the established project year. A detailed expenditures report is due within three months after the end of the project year. Unless otherwise authorized, unexpended funds are to be returned to the Foundation along with the above mentioned expenditures report.
- Grant funds may be budgeted, and used, for the following direct costs of carrying our approved projects:
- Salaries of technical and supporting personnel
- Limited alteration and renovation of existing facilities
- Purchase of equipment
- Supplies, including drugs and services
- Any such other specifically authorized expenses as may be essential to carrying out the project.
- Grant funds may not be used for the following, except on specific approval of the Board of Directors:
- Salaries of regular staff of an institution
- Travel
- Living expenses
- Printing costs (in the case of Research Grants)
- Overhead costs exceeding 20% of project costs
- Public information or educational programs (in the case of Research Grants)
- Political or religious activities
- Payment Procedures
Generally, an initial payment in the amount needed for the first half (or six month period) of project operations will be made a few days before the beginning of the grant period. Subsequent payment will be made a few days prior to the beginning of the second half of the project year.
- Publications and Publicity
- In the case of Research Projects, investigators are expected to make the results of their research promptly available to the scientific public. Since prior Foundation approval is not required for reporting scientific results of a project, responsibility for direction of the research should not be ascribed to the Foundation. Acknowledgement of Foundation support should, however, be made when findings are reported to scientific audiences or in scientific journals, or when publicity is given to a project.
- It is requested that completed research be submitted for consideration for presentation at the Foundation’s annual symposium on care of the professional voice and for publication in the Journal of Voice.
- Publications resulting from work supported in whole or in part by the Foundation should contain a credit line to that effect. A copy of each publication should be submitted to the Foundation.
- The Foundation shall have the right to republish material produced in whole or in part with the support of the Foundation; and the grantee shall make all arrangements necessary with third parties to protect the Foundation’s right under this subparagraph.
- Progress Reports
- An Interim Progress Report must be submitted to the Foundation with all applications for continued support in accordance with the instructions accompanying the application forms. Failure to submit a progress report will disqualify the applicant from future consideration by the Board of Directors.
- A Final Report must be submitted within three months after the termination of the project period.
- Application Procedures
III. New Project Applications must include the following information:
Download Application here: Grant Application
- The facilities where the research will be conducted
- The Project Director, other personnel and their qualifications
- The amount of funding requested from the Foundation and a detailed project budget
- Additional funds to which the grantee has access to support this project, or other sources to which it will apply for support
- Additional information which the grantee believes will further its application.