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Most Read Journal of Voice Articles
January – June 2013 . Most Read lists are compiled every quarter. Habitual Use of Vocal Fry in Young Adult Female Speakers May 2012 (Vol. 26 | No. 3 | Pages e111-e116)Lesley Wolk, Nassima B. Abdelli-Beruh, Dianne Slavin Abstract Full Text PDF (94 KB) Vocal Warm-Up Practices and Perceptions in Vocalists: A Pilot Survey January…
Seattle/Northwest Chapter meeting 12/2/2013
Hi all you voice enthusiasts! The holidays are upon us but before you get too tied up with all the craziness, remember that we have a NWCVF meeting and great presentation planned for December 2nd. The title of our presentation is “Introversion, Extroversion, and the Voice: Myths, Science and Treatment Implications” and will be presented…
World Voice Day – Philly Voice Screenings
Philadelphia Ear, Nose and Throat VOICE SCREENINGS sponsored by MusiCares, the philanthropic arm of the Grammy. Dr. Robert Sataloff Dr. Amy Rutt 1721 Pine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103 Dr. Karen Lyons Dr. Amanda Hu 219 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA Eligibility: at least 5 years as a paid music professional. They do look at financial…
Fellowship goes to Katherine Osborne
Congratulations to KATHERINE OSBORNE. She was awarded the 2014 Van Lawrence Award given jointly by the National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS) and The Voice Foundation. More information here. Miss Osborne has a Master of Voice Pedagogy from Westminster Choir College and is currently in the Doctor of Musical Arts program, Singing Health Specialization, at Ohio State…
Now Online: JOV Volume 30, Issue 4 available online at http://www.jvoice.org. This issue went live on 07/01/2016. Visit the website for 2015 Best Paper Articles (free) Get a trial issue (free) Sign up for new content alerts. Read the open access article: Relationship Between the Electroglottographic Signal and Vocal Fold Contact Area Vít Hampala, Maxime…
Board of Directors elections and the addition of a new member to the board
As of June 2, 2013, Michael S. Benninger, M.D., will be stepping down from his role of Chair of the Advisory Board and will be stepping up in his new role as Vice-President of the Board of Directors. Congratulations to the new Chair of the Advisory Board, Michael M. Johns, III, M.D. With his winning vision…