2025 Abstracts
Autonomic Dysfunction and HRV Biofeedback in Functional Dysphonia
Beyond Performance: Using Dual-Task Paradigms to Measure Cognitive Load in Acquiring Voice Therapy Techniques
Breathing Training in Vocal Rehabilitation of Dysphonic Singers: Randomized Clinical Trial
Can the CAPE-V Sentences as a Continuous Speech Task Reveal Differences in Voice Onset Time (VOT) Between Postlingual Cochlear Implant Users and Normal Hearing Peers?
Cepstral Peak Prominence Standard Deviation across the Lifespan
Children’s Ability to Identify and Describe Dysphonia: A Multimethod Study
Clinical effects of voice therapy on vocal outcomes in unilateral vocal fold paralysis: proof of concept study for two SOVT-based treatment protocols
Combined Respiratory Muscle Strength Training for People with Presbyphonia
Communicative Characteristics of Voices Perceived as Feminine, Masculine, and Neutral: A Study with Brazilian Listeners
Comparative Analysis of Speech Reinvestment in Voice Professionals and Non-Professionals
Comparative Study of Acoustic Voice Features in Two Singing Styles: Iranian Traditional Singing and Classical Western Singing
Comparing the physiologic response to semi-occluded vocal tract exercises versus slow breathing – A Pilot Study
Connecting Voice Therapy Prompts with Anatomy and Physiology via the Estill Voice Model and the Rehabilitation Treatment Specification System
Conversation Training Therapy: Let’s Talk It Through and DO IT!
Crohn’s Disease in a Classical Singer: Impact on Laryngeal Structures, Voice Production, and Quality of Life
Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Mandarin Chinese Version of the Vocal Performance Questionnaire
Developing and Keeping Optimal Professional Voice
Development and Implementation of Open-Source Software for Vocal Loading Tasks (VLT)
Development of a Vocal Fitness Task: Exploring the Relationship between Anaerobic Power and Vocal Function Measures
Difference in acoustic measures between sustained and sung vowels: A comparison of singers’ voices using the VoxPlot software
Direct Water Hydration: Damp Gauze and Nebulizer.
Disparities in vocal health services: a critical review of the literature
Distinguishing Essential Vocal Tremor from Vibrato
Effect of a Straw Phonation Therapy Program on the Voice of Female Speech-Language Pathology Students with Mild Dysphonia
Effect of vocal exercises on the rehabilitation of neurogenic dysphagia: a systematic review