2025 Abstracts
`pyLeTalker`: Python Framework for Wave Reflection Voice Synthesis
A Deep Learning Approach for Feedback in Resonant Voice Therapy
Acoustic Analysis of Blues, Country, Folk, Italian Opera, and Rock Singing
Acoustic Analysis of Guqin Music Using the Source-Filter Theory
Acoustic and High-Speed Videoendoscopy Analysis of Spastic Behaviors in Adductor Laryngeal Dystonia
An Investigation into Learning Methods of Voice Mimicry Artists.
An Optimal Contact-Mechanically Consistent and Flow-Separation Adapted Modeling of Vocal Fold Dynamics
Articulatory Adjustments of Vowel Space Across Pitch in Operatic Singing
Artificial Intelligence models for Laryngeal Dystonia classification
Assessment of pH Level and pH Stability in Commonly Available Alkaline Waters
BRAINBODYVOICE™ (BBV) Systems: A Neuromechanics and Prosody-Driven Approach for Advanced Vocal Performance Optimization
Characterization of Commercially Available Contact Microphones for Voice Assessment
Co-Designing Stimulus for Phonetic and Clinical Evaluation of Transgender Voice Therapy
Comparison of Vibratory Patterns of Vocal Fold Paresis and Paralysis using High-Speed Videolaryngoscopy Versus Stroboscopy
Difficult Vowels in Singing Explored Through Non-Singer Musicians
Effect of Pharyngeal Length on Pressures Exerted by Endotracheal Tubes on Posterior Laryngeal Tissues
Evaluating AI-Generated Speech for Intelligibility Analysis in Dysphonic and Non-Dysphonic Speakers
Evaluating State-of-the-art Deep Learning MRI Vocal Tract Airway Segmentation Techniques
Evaluating Vocal Fold Vibratory Changes with High-Speed Imaging Before, During, and After Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Phonation
Exploring the ‘White Coat Effect’: Stress-Induced Variability in Voice and Speech Parameters
Factors Predicting Singers' Work Efficiency and Random Effect of Singing Duration
From Commercial Recordings to Research: AI Enables Large-Scale Vibrato Analysis in Classical Singing
HGF-Regulated ADSCs Inhibition of TGF-_ Signaling in Vocal Fold Repair