New: TWO types of Posters
The Voice Foundation is excited to announce TWO types of Poster Presentations for our Poster Session on Thursday, May 29, 2014 at 4:15 PM at the 43rd Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice.
The quality and number of submissions has inspired us to try to give an opportunity to more people to present research. Your submission might be accepted as one of the following for the Poster Session.
Poster Session: Poster-Board Display
1. Make and hang a poster on the poster board. This will be displayed Thursday and Friday until 12pm.
2. Submit an electronic poster for display on the monitor on Saturday and Sunday
3. One author must be registered and present next to your poster for the poster session on Thursday, May 29, 2014
4. Your poster will be included in the judging for Best Poster awards.
5. It is recommended that you bring hand-outs (printing can be done at Staples in Philadelphia).
Poster Session: Monitor Display
1. Display of your electronic poster in the rotation Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday until 12PM on a monitor
2. Give a 5-minute presentation in the Poster Session.
3. One author must be registered for the symposium and have representation of your poster at the poster session on Thursday, May 29, 2014.
4. Your poster will be included in the judging for Best Poster awards.
5. It is recommended that you bring hand-outs (printing can be done at Staples in Philadelphia), since you will not have a constant display of your poster.