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Glossary: Terms T-Z

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Thyroarytenoid (TA) Muscle
Muscle within the vocal fold
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Thyroid Cartilage
A shield-like cartilage that forms the front of the voice box; also the cartilage that forms the “Adam’s Apple”
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Thyroid Gland
A major hormone regulator of the body, located in the neck area
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Hoarseness, harsh voice, abnormal voice quality due to abnormal vocal fold vibration
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TNM Staging
T, tumor type; N, lymph nodes involved; M, metastasis or spread to other body parts
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Topical Anesthesia
Substance applied to the surface to decrease sensation, such as sensation to pain
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The windpipe; connects lungs to larynx
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A breathing tube placed directly into the windpipe, below the area of the voice box
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Incision of the trachea, done to place a tracheostomy
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Transcutaneous Approach
Entering through the skin; can refer to drug administered by absorption through the skin or a procedure directly approached through the skin
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Transoral Laryngoscopy
Viewing of the larynx through the mouth using a specialized instrument called a laryngoscope
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Exists on one side
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Upper Esophageal Sphincter (UES)
A muscular “gate” within the esophagus located below where the throat (pharynx) separates into airway and food-way
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Upper Respiratory Infection
An infection of the breathing tract above the lungs (e.g., the common cold and cough)
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Classification of a cancer to a higher level (more serious) based on pathology analysis of removed tumor
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Vagus Nerve
The important nerve that carries signals from the brain to the voice box
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A space, or “ventricle”, between the true vocal folds and false vocal folds
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Verrucous Carcinoma
A cancer associated with verrucous vulgaris
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Verrucous Vulgaris
A warty, lobulated lesion caused by HPV, can be a precursor to cancer
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Vibration Cycle
The rapid opening and closing of the vocal folds allowing air to pass through for sound production; this vibratory pattern can occur 200 to 400 times per second during sound production
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Vocal Abuse
Normal vocal behaviors used in excess, leading to vocal fold injury (e.g., excessive loudness or cough)
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Vocal Cords
The anatomically less-precise term for vocal folds
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Vocal Fatigue
Voice tiring
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Vocal Fold Atypia
Non-cancerous but irregular cells in vocal fold epithelium; often leads to cancer; often recurs after removal
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Vocal Fold Cyst
Firm mass of material contained within the a sac, usually on only one vocal fold
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Vocal Fold Early Cancer
Cancer of vocal fold epithelium that is confined to the vocal folds and has not spread
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Vocal Fold Edema
Swelling of the vocal folds
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Vocal Fold Epithelium
The top cell layer of the vocal fold; surface lining of vocal folds composed of squamous cells
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Vocal Fold Granuloma
Pale, sometimes red, mass on vocal folds resulting from irritation; contains inflammatory cells and new blood vessels; usually found over arytenoid cartilages at the site of contact during vocal fold closure
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Vocal Fold Immobility
Absence of vocal fold movement
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Vocal Fold Lesions
Refers to vocal nodules, vocal polyps, and vocal cysts
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Vocal Fold Paralysis
No movement of the vocal fold
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Vocal Fold Paresis
Abnormally limited movement of the vocal fold
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Vocal Fold Phonomicrosurgery
Special skilled surgery of the vocal folds using endoscopic tools, microlarygeal instruments, and techniques to enable maximum preservation of the vocal fold structure
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Vocal Fold Polyp
A lesion usually seen on only one vocal fold; characteristically red due to increased blood vessel supply
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Vocal Fold Trauma
Injury to the vocal fold
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Vocal Fold’s Vibration Cycle
the cycle of movements of the vocal folds during voice production. See also:http://www.voiceproblem.org/anatomy/understanding.php
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Vocal Folds (also called Vocal Cords)
A pair of specialized tissue in the voice box (larynx) that vibrate for sound production; comprised of ordered layers of epithelium, superficial lamina propria, vocal ligament, and thyroarytenoid muscle
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Vocal Hyperfunction
Results from a misuse of vocal fold muscles, causing excessive adductory force (coming together), and can cause nodules, laryngitis and vocal fatigue
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Vocal Ligament
The band that extends on either side from the thyroid cartilage to the vocal process of the arytenoid cartilage
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Vocal Misuse
Abnormal vocal behaviors that cause stress or injury to the vocal folds (e.g., excess tension while speaking)
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Vocal Overuse
Normal voice behavior that “takes its toll” with time (e.g., singer after many years of performing)
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Vocal Range
The spectrum of “voice pitch” from low pitch to high pitch
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Vocal Tract
The vocal tract is comprised of resonators ( throat (pharynx), oral cavity, nasal cavities) which give a personal quality to the voice, and the modifiers or articulators which form sound into voiced sounds
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Vocal Tract Articulators
The tongue, lips, and palate that help make voice sound precise and controllable
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Vocal Tract Resonators
The throat, mouth, and nasal cavities that together modify voiced sound
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Vocalis Muscle
The muscle that comprises the vocal fold body
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Voice Pathophysiology
The impact and cause of voice disorders on voice function
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Voice Physiology
The function of voice and voice production
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Voice Range
How high/low a voice can reach
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Voice Surgeon
Laryngologist specializing in voice
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Loudness of voice
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The formulation of scar tissue between the vocal folds
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Wilson’s Disease
A disease caused by abnormal metabolism of copper, causing increased blood levels of copper and copper metabolites
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