Call for Papers, Posters & Workshops

CALL FOR PAPERS:  The Voice Foundation’s 43rd Annual Symposium:  Care of the Professional Voice  May 28-June 1, 2014 Philadelphia, PA All submissions must go through the website submissions page PAPERS AND POSTERS Deadline: October 31, 2013 Abstracts must represent original work that has not been published elsewhere. Completed manuscripts must be submitted by the day of presentation at…

Board of Directors elections and the addition of a new member to the board

As of June 2, 2013, Michael S. Benninger, M.D., will be stepping down from his role of Chair of the Advisory Board and will be stepping up in his new role as Vice-President of the Board of Directors. Congratulations to the new Chair of the Advisory Board,  Michael M. Johns, III, M.D.  With his winning vision…