Best Student Presentation Award

Best Student Presentation Award
A generous endowment by TVF Board of Directors member Dr. Abdul-latif Hamdan enables us to recognize excellence among students presenting research at the Symposium with a $1,000 Award.
This year, for the first time, The Voice Foundation Symposium will be awarding a Best Student Presentation Award. If you or your student is interested in applying, we would appreciate it if you could please send an letter of intent responding to the following questions (as appropriate), and send it to Maria Russo at by March 1.
- Is your accepted paper/poster derived from a Doctoral Dissertation, Master’s Thesis, or academic independent study? Yes No
- If yes, would you like this paper/poster to be considered for a “Best Student Paper/Poster Award”? Yes No
- If yes, please provide a detailed description of the student’s role in the overall project, as well as a description of the role of any other collaborators (including his/her advisor).
- Include the title of your project.
“It is evident that this symposium is an attractive educational platform for students from all over the world. One of the main constraints to attendance is money. I believe that offering a Best Student Award will encourage their attendance.
Abdul-latif Hamdan, MD
Our thanks to Dr. Hamdan for his support and the Award Committee, Shaheen Awan, Chair, Jeannette LoVetri, Stephanie Misono, MD for their hard work.