We’ve made a couple of important edits to our author information. With apologies to Dan Ihasz and Elizabeth Ann Benson.
“The inspiration for this issue arose during a Voice Foundation presentation when Dr. Ronald Scherer quietly commented to me in the back row, ‘Does she mean voice quality or resonance?’ Brilliant! “
Pravin Kumar Subbaraj, Ph.D. wins Hamdan International Presentation Award The Hamdan International Presentation Award committee, chaired by Advisory Board member Dr. Rahul Shrivastav found several deserving applications once again in 2018. They reached consensus on the following candidate for this year’s award: Pravin Kumar Subbaraj, PhD (Czech Republic) for the following paper: Evaluation of Sharpness…
SUBMIT HERE PAPERS AND POSTERS Deadline: Extended to 11/8/17 Abstracts must represent original work that has not been published elsewhere. Completed manuscripts must be submitted by the day of presentation at the Symposium and must be submitted for consideration for publication in Journal of Voice, unless prior arrangements have been made (Poster submissions are the…
VAN L. LAWRENCE FELLOWSHIP The Van Lawrence Fellowship Award is given jointly by the National Association of Teachers of Singing Foundation (NATS Foundation) and The Voice Foundation. The application submission deadline is December 1st. The Fellowship is intended to provide opportunities for the Fellow to become more thoroughly acquainted with practices, techniques, technology and people involved in laryngology…
January – June 2013 . Most Read lists are compiled every quarter. Habitual Use of Vocal Fry in Young Adult Female Speakers May 2012 (Vol. 26 | No. 3 | Pages e111-e116)Lesley Wolk, Nassima B. Abdelli-Beruh, Dianne Slavin Abstract Full Text PDF (94 KB) Vocal Warm-Up Practices and Perceptions in Vocalists: A Pilot Survey January…
The Atlanta Chapter of TVF – Michael M. Johns III, MD and Brian Petty, CCC-SLP, are doing an interactive vocal health seminar on May 5, 2014 for the Atlanta Symphony Chorus at the Woodruff Arts Center in Atlanta at 6 pm. For more information email here.
We are thrilled to hear that William Bonner has been awarded the Domingão com Huck Best of the Year award for journalism. Congratulations to him on such an inspiring achievement! We know he’ll continue to achieve many more great things and inspire us all. We are as proud as ever to have honored his achievements here…