We’ve made a couple of important edits to our author information. With apologies to Dan Ihasz and Elizabeth Ann Benson.
“The inspiration for this issue arose during a Voice Foundation presentation when Dr. Ronald Scherer quietly commented to me in the back row, ‘Does she mean voice quality or resonance?’ Brilliant! “
Congratulations! to Jeong Min Lee, Ketake Phadke, Marina Englert, Lívia Lima Krohling The First Place Winner of the 2017 Best Student Presentation with both highest mean and median ratings from the judges is: Jeong Min Lee Comparison of Two Acoustic Indices of Dysphonia Severity: The AVQI and CSID (Advisor: Dr. N. Roy, University of Utah). Her research poster…
It is a great pleasure to announce Filipa Martins Baptista Lã, PhD as the 22nd Annual Van L. Lawrence Fellowship recipient. Congratulations, Filipa! The Voice Foundation and the National Association of Teachers of Singing Foundation have each contributed $1,000.00 to the Van L. Lawrence Fellowship fund. This $2,000.00 award will be presented at 11:00am on Friday,…
The US Commerce Association has chosen The Voice Foundation for the 2013 Philadelphia Awards in the Educational, Philanthropic & Research Foundations classification. For the third time!
The Voice Foundation is excited to announce TWO types of Poster Presentations for our Poster Session on Thursday, May 29, 2014 at 4:15 PM at the 43rd Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice. The quality and number of submissions has inspired us to try to give an opportunity to more people to present research….