Objective Measures of Two Musical Interpretations of An Excerpt from Berlioz’s "La mort d’Ophélie"
Hiu Yan (Crystal) Lau, B.M.A., M.M., Ronald C. Scherer, Ph.D Abstract: ...
Hiu Yan (Crystal) Lau, B.M.A., M.M., Ronald C. Scherer, Ph.D
An Objective Exploratory Study of Musical Interpretations of an
Excerpt from a Classical Art Song
Objective: Art song is a unique genre ...in the realm of European classical music, which embraces the combined beauty of vocal melody, instrumental accompaniment, and text. Due to the evolving stylistic differences among the composers over time, it is difficult to pinpoint the distinct stylistic characteristics. This purpose of the study was to determine sound production differences relative to two emotional interpretations in performing an excerpt from a classical art song.
Methods/Design: The first author, a soprano with a master degree in vocal performance, recorded an excerpt from an art song composed by Hector Berlioz (1803-69). The excerpt was sung in two contrasting musical interpretations: an empathetic legato approach, and a sarcastic approach with emphatic attacks. Microphone, airflow (Glottal Enterprises MSIF-2), and EGG (Kay Model 6103) signals were digitized. These raw recordings were analyzed and quantified with acoustic, airflow, and glottographic measures. The vowels in the musical excerpt were analyzed in terms of intensity, LTAS formant frequencies, fundamental frequency extent in vibrato, onset, harmonic frequencies in narrow-band spectrograms, and glottal measures based on electroglottograph waveforms. Relative to consonants, the following measures were obtained; the duration of frication of the French consonant /f/, and the stop gap, voice onset time, and aspiration airflow of the French plosives /p, t/.
Results & Conclusions: In comparison to the legato approach, findings were that the emphatic approach was distinguished by overall greater intensity, greater glottal closed time (EGGW25), longer VOTs, faster vowel onsets, longer /f/ duration, and greater aspiration airflow, but no significant change in the LTAS formant frequency structure. The figure below suggests the differences in the LTAS formant intensity structure, with the emphatic having great intensity throughout most of the spectrum. The results suggest that subglottal pressure was increased during the emphatic approach. In general, the study emphasizes the reality and informative nature of physiological, aerodynamic, and acoustic production differences related to pedagogical and interpretive differences of art song performance.
Hiu Yan (Crystal) Lau, B.M.A., M.M., Candidate in Interdisciplinary Studies, Bowling Green State University
Ronald C. Scherer, Ph.D., Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403[+] Show More