Every other year, one of our symposium panels focuses on educational and, frankly, very weird strobes. Hosted by Advisory Board Chairman Michael M. Johns, MD and Eva van Leer, PhD, the session includes awarding the Strobe Oscar in categories. The audience takes the part of the “Academy” by voting. Winners are awarded the Golden Larynx. Take a look at some of the most astounding laryngeal strobes you will ever see!
The StrobOscar statue is donated by Estill Voice International, https://www.estillvoice.com/
Stroboscopic Laminagraphy – a 2016 Golden Larynx winner, submitted by Harry Hollein, PhD
- The Wild Larynx
- Politically Incorrect
- Floppy Lesion
- Patience is a Virtue
- The Frolicing Corniculate
- Fungusamongus
- Fellow vs. Attending
- Picked from the Vine
- Uggggh – Watch to the end!
- The Bullfrog
- The Scream
- Overinjectionssuperbumper_1
- Overinjectionssuperbumper_2
- Man vs. Beast : Tiger – Bunny
Granuloma #1
Granuloma #2
Gravity Granuloma
The Golden Larynx is a one-of-a-kind, hand-made, priceless, gold representation of the larynx, which will grace any mantel or catch the eye in your awards room. (Note the happy faces of the finalists.)
Competition to win one has become fiercer than that of the coveted Mirror Ball Trophy.
Do YOU have an appropriate strobe to enter in the 2018 Stroboscopy Oscars?