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Glossary: Terms K-O

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Lamina Propria
Non-muscle part of the vocal fold, directly underneath the surface lining
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Surgery or visualization performed without cutting open the body; instead, special “tools” and cameras are inserted through small holes into the body. Surgical recovery is typically faster than with open surgery
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Laryngeal Electromyography (LEMG)
Test that measures electrical signals of nerve inputs to muscles
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Laryngeal Examination
Examination of the voice box
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Laryngeal Framework Surgery
Surgical modification of the cartilage framework of the voice box so vocal folds can close better or have more tension, which allows vocal folds to vibrate better for sound production
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Laryngeal Injection Augmentation
Injection of a variety of synthetic or natural materials into the vocal fold to optimize vocal fold closure in order to enhance vocal fold vibration, thus improving voice. Also called vocal fold injection or vocal fold augmentation
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Laryngeal Reinnervation
Re-establishing nerve inputs to the voice box muscles
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Laryngeal Stroboscopy
A specialized magnified viewing of the voice box using a synchronized flashing light that allows visualization of vocal fold vibration through a tube-scope with a camera at the end
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Laryngeal/Voice Box
Composed of vocal folds, muscles, and framework cartilages; key for voice, breathing, airway protection
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Surgery to remove the larynx
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Inflammation of the voice box (larynx); can result from many causes; specific cause needs to be identified for correct diagnosis and proper treatment plan
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An ear, nose, and throat doctor who specializes in voice care
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Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LPR)
Backflow of stomach fluids to the laryngopharynx (voice box + lower back of throat)
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Refers to the area of the voice box (larynx) and lower back part of the throat (hypopharynx)
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A specialized scope to view the voice box
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An examination of the larynx using a telescopic camera (see also rigid and flexible laryngoscopy)
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Sudden inability to breathe due to closing off of the airway
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Voice box; composed of vocal folds, muscles, and framework cartilage; highly specialized structure atop the windpipe responsible for sound production, air passage during breathing and protecting the airway during swallowing
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Larynx Preservation
Term used when a treatment choice for cancer is designed to maximally retain the laryngeal structures without compromising the chances of cure
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Lateralization Thyroplasty
Manipulation of the larynx so the vocal folds lie farther apart
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Low Pitch
Voice sounds lower than usual
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Low Esophageal Pressure
Decreased pressure within the esophagus or at its sphincters that results in the backflow of stomach fluids into the esophagus and/or larynx
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Lower Esophageal Sphincter
The “gate” at where the esophagus connects to the stomach
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Low Lower Esophageal Sphincter
Decreased tone in the lower “gate” of the esophagus, often allowing backflow of stomach fluids into the esophagus
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Lymph Nodes
The connecting and repository sites of the lymphatic system, the system of tissue drainage within the body; it is often the method of cancer spread
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Cancerous; having abnormal cells that cause cancer

Medialization Laryngoplasty
Surgery that brings the vocal fold together to improve vocal fold vibration during sound production
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The spreading of cancer beyond its original location
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Examination of the larynx with a scope with special magnification capability
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Microsurgical Techniques
Surgical techniques that are performed with a microscope for viewing
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Mirror Examination
Method of examining the larynx using simple mirrors (not a scope)
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Motor Nerves
Nerves (signal carriers) that carry messages from the brain to muscles in the body enabling movement
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Motor Signals
Nerve signals that trigger muscle movement
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Magnetic resonance imaging
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A lining, such as that which covers the larynx
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Mucosal Wave
A wave-like motion that occurs along the lining cover of the vocal folds during voice production
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Multifactorial Etiology
A voice disorder is complicated by multiple causes
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Multifactorial Voice Disorders
Voice disorders resulting from more than one cause
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Muscle Tension Dysphonia
Abnormal-sounding voice due to loss of normal muscle coordination or innappropriate muscle contraction
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The space joining the throat and nasal cavity
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Nerve Transposition
Taking nerve and muscle from another part of the body and grafting the new nerve into the paralyzed vocal fold
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A laryngologist who specializes in the neurologic causes of voice disorders, including non-larynx diseases (e.g., multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, etc.)
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Neurological Voice Disorders

Voice problems caused by abnormal control, coordination, or strength of voice box muscles due to an underlying neurological disease such as stroke, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, Lou Gehrig’s disease, or ALS

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A physician who specializes in conditions of the brain
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In the case of acids, it means to balance and reduce
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Nissen Fundoplication
This surgery tightens the lower food pipe sphincter so that it can perform better as a barrier to stomach fluid backflow
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Pain on swallowing
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Pain on speaking
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Pain originating elsewhere that is felt in the ear
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An ear, nose, and throat physician specialist
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The study of disorders of the ear and related structures
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