The voice is more important than ever-in school, on the job, and for social interaction. But many abuse their voice by smoking, shouting, drinking, or poor speaking technique. When problems occur, treatment is often ignored, leading to more significant problems.
To address this, World Voice Day was established as a special day of awareness, recognition, and celebration of the human voice. Commemorated each year on April 16th, World Voice Day owes its roots to a group of Brazilian voice care professionals who decided to celebrate the voice in 1999 by establishing Brazilian Voice Day.

Since that time, this day has grown to become a global day of recognition, as members of the Academy’s Speech, Voice, and Swallowing Disorders Committee communicated with colleagues from Brazil and Europe to establish the global World Voice Day we celebrate today.
World Voice Day serves as an education campaign to inform the public of the importance of the human voice and the need for preventative care.