World Voice Day 2024
Dear World Voice community! WVD 2024 campaign is on!
The new motto is
Chosen by the Voice Committee of the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery. You’ll find the new graphics developed by our World Voice Day Website team at the Graphics section. Feel free to use it at your convenience. We’re looking forward to receive all the incredible events you are all preparing!
Robert T. Sataloff, Johan Sundberg, Mara Behlau,
Ian DeNolfo, Mauro Fiuza and Thays Vaiano
WVD Committee
TVF and Chapter Events | History and Mission |
The Voice Foundation is an official sponsor of the World Voice Day website.
CoMeT World Voice Day
View Program Here Cartel_17Abril

WORLD VOICE DAY Symposium with TVF Mexico Chapter
WORLD VOICE DAY Symposium with TVF Mexico Chapter
Join Me, Join Us at 7:00 PM EDT!! Translation English – Spanish. on Friday, April 16th. With translation into Spanish.
FREE FOR ALL. 7-10:30PM EDT. Registration: HERE

Hola invitamos a todos los cantantes, actores, locutores, maestros de canto, médicos foniatras, laringólogos, otorrinolaringólogos, terapeutas de lenguaje, fonoaudiólogos, logopedas y público interesado en la voz a participar en el 1er. Simposium de Voice Foundation Capítulo México celebrando el “Día Mundial de la Voz”.
Viernes 16 de Abril de las 18 horas a las 2130 horas CDMX
18 a 21:30 horas (México, Colombia, Perú, Ecuador)
19 a 22:30 horas (Paraguay, Venezuela, Cuba, Chile)
20 a 23:30 horas (Argentina, Brasil, Uruguay)
Evento gratuito
Traducción: Inglés-Español
Link de inscripción: HERE
7:00p Dr. Eric Hunter
7:40p Dra.Thais Vaiano
8:20p Maria Russo -“A Month in the Life of an Elite Opera Singer: How Much, How Hard? The Reality”
9:00p Dr. Vincente Villagomez,
9:40p Spencer Welch
TVF and Chapter Events | History and Mission |
The Voice Foundation is an official sponsor of the World Voice Day website.
View our 2016 World Voice Day Concert
View our 2015 World Voice Day Concert
TVF World Voice Day Events in 2019
For the Thomas Jefferson University Choir and Orchestra’s
42nd Annual Spring Concert
Performing George Frideric Handel’s Messiah, Part II
Friday, April 12, 2019
8:00 PM
at St. Luke and the Epiphany
330 S. 13th Street, Philadelphia
Concert and Reception: Free and open to all
Hosted by: Daniel Pantano
WVD Mission Talk: Dr. Robert Sataloff
Who: The Philadelphia Girls Choir with conductor Laura Harmon
tenor Michael Ashby, sopranos Maria Jabbour, Maria Russo, Lisa Willson, baritone Daniel Pantano
When: 7:00pm , April 16th
Where: Philadelphia Boys and Girls Choir, 1336 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, PA 19123
World Voice Day Happy Hour
Join The Voice Foundation in celebrating World Voice Day 2019!
Wednesday, April 17th, 2019 from 5-7pm
Singing, trivia, door prizes (including free drinks!),
TVF merchandise, and more!!! Network with local voice professionals, singers, and friends of The Voice Foundation.
Admission is FREE. 21+ only
Tavern on Camac – Piano Bar
243 S. Camac St.
Philadelphia, PA 19107
TVF World Voice Day Events in 2018
Concert and Reception: Open to all
Hosted by: Daniel Pantano
WVD Mission Talk: Dr. Robert Sataloff
Who: The Philadelphia Girls Choir with conductor Nathan Wadley, tenor Michael Ashby and Gabriel Rebolla at the piano.
Christina Chenes, Katie Erikson, Michelle Eugene, Maria Jabbour, Daniel Pantano, Maria Russo, Lisa Willson
When: 6:30pm , April 13th
Where: Philadelphia Boys and Girls Choir, 1336 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, PA 19123
TVF World Voice Day Events in 2016
Concert and Reception: Open to all
Hosted by: AVA’s Daniel Pantano
WVD Mission Talk: Dr. Robert Sataloff
Who: Singers from The Voice Foundation and PENTA
When: 6:30pm , April 15th
Where: Academy of Vocal Arts, 1920 Spruce St. Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia PECO Crown Lights display flashing: Celebrate World Voice Day 4/16”
Where: PECO Building, 2301 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
When: Wednesday, April 16th, all day
Expected audience: Philadelphians
TVF Events in 2015
Philadelphia PECO Crown Lights display flashing: Celebrate World Voice Day 4/16”
Where: PECO Building, 2301 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
When: Wednesday, April 16th, all day
Expected audience: Philadelphians
Vocal Health for Teens:
Hosted by: Philadelphia Girls Choir
Who: Michelle Horman, MA, CCC-SLP instructs the teens in the Philadelphia Girls Choir Concerto group about vocal health.
When: 4:30pm , April 16th
Where: 1336 Spring Garden StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19123
Concert and Reception: Can’t Help Lovin’ That Voice (of Mine)
Hosted by: AVA’s Daniel Pantano
WVD Mission Talk: Dr. Robert Sataloff
Who: Singers from The Voice Foundation and PENTA
When: 6:30pm , April 16th
Where: Academy of Vocal Arts, 1920 Spruce St. Philadelphia, PA
TVF Events in 2014
Philadelphia PECO Crown Lights display flashing: Celebrate World Voice Day 4/16”
Where? PECO Building, 2301 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
When? Wednesday, April 16th, all day
Expected audience? Philadelphians
Philadelphia Ear, Nose and Throat VOICE SCREENINGS sponsored by MusiCares, the philanthropic arm of Grammy.
Eligibility: at least 5 years as a paid music professional and we do look at financial status/insurance however each case is considered on an individual basis.
Dr. Robert Sataloff
1721 Pine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Dr. Karen Lyons
Dr. Amanda Hu
219 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA
USE IT WELL Voice Workshop for After-School Musical, a Philadelphia School district-wide production of the Broadway Classic, Dreamgirls.
Michelle Horman, CCC-SLP (PENTA Voice Clinic) and Donna Snow, MA (Temple University Theater Professor) conduct a workshop concentrating on the healthy use of the voice for the participants of this novel program. Over 40 high school students from various schools all over the city are participating. This pilot program gives students, who would not have the opportunity, a chance to perform in a musical. They will also be working side by side
with theatre professionals from Philadelphia and the Broadway community.
Spectators Welcome!
Where: The Painted Bride Art Center 230 Vine St, Philadelphia, PA 19106
When: April 16, 2014 3:30 pm
Since its inception in 2002, World Voice Day April 16 is a worldwide annual event devoted to the celebration of the phenomenon of voice.
The aim is to demonstrate the enormous importance of the voice in our daily life, as a tool of communication, and as an application of a large number of sciences, such as physics, psychology, phonetics, art, and biology.
The celebration of the World Voice Day is scattered around the globe, including concerts, symposia, open house at voice clinics and voice education institutes, TV shows, radio programs, flash mobs etc.
Please call us at 215-735-7999 or email office[@] for more World Voice Day information
TVF Events in 2013
SCREAM! – Melissa Cross Master Class
Who participated? Singers of rock music.
Where? Academy of Vocal Arts, 1920 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
When? Saturday, April 6th at 6PM
Expected audience? Vocalists and voice teachers.
Philadelphia PECO Crown Lights display flashing:
Celebrate World Voice Day 4/16”
Where? PECO Building, 2301 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
When? Saturday, April 14th – 16h, all day
Expected audience? Philadelphians
Polygon Comedy Musical Variety Show
Who all is participating? Local comedians and vocalists
Where? L’Etage Tuesday, just above Beau Monde at 6th and Bainbridge, right off of South Street in Philadelphia.
When? Tuesday, April 16th. Doors open at 7:30 PM, show starts at 8PM.
Expected audience? Fans of musical comedy.
Vocal Health for Teachers Seminar
Who all is participating? Dr. Robert Sataloff, Margaret Baroody, Bridget Rose, Stephanie Fort, Donna Snow, Dr. Ellery Panaia, Heidi Brown
Where? New College Building – Multipurpose room 3506-10, Drexel University, 245 N. 15th Street Philadelphia, PA 19102
When? Saturday, April 20th, 9 AM – 4 PM
Expected audience? Teachers, all levels
Other pertinent information about the activity: Dress comfortably, possible floor exercises.