Hans von Leden, RIP

 From Lohriena Tal, Secretary to Hans von Leden: To the many Family members and dear friends of Dr. Hans von Leden, On behalf of the von Leden family, and in my capacity as his personal secretary, I have the sorrowful duty of announcing the passing of our beloved Hans on Ash Wednesday, March 5th, in…

The Life and Legacy of Garyth Nair- Tribute Concert

Celebrating a Life and Legacy Tribute Concert in loving memory of Professor Garyth Nair March 28, 2014 8:00 p.m. (reception following the concert) Concert Hall Dorothy Young Center for the Arts Drew University, 36 Madison Avenue, Madison, NJ, US, 07940 RSVP online or to angelika.nair@gmail.com by March 21, and include any words you would like added to the tribute…


2014 Symposium Program & Abstracts

Dear Friends and Colleagues: The 43rd Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice program is online. 2014 Symposium Program_web_ [faster download, lower resolution] 2014 Sypmposium Program_ [slower download, higher resolution] Abstracts 2014 Workshop Presenter Request form 2014 2014jspSpeakerDisc_Voice ASHA Form for ALL AUTHORS, only one needed per person 2014ACSForm_template for Presenting Authors, for each presentation (not for…

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