Sponsored Email Blasts

Sponsored Email Blasts

The Voice Foundation (TVF) will send information about your product, service, or event to our member list in a dedicated Sponsored Promotion email blast. With the ability to choose your list segment by country, state, or region, TVF Sponsored Promotions are an affordable way to reach out to over 13,500 list members who have provided TVF with their email addresses.

  • 100 or less addresses are $0.50 each
  • 1001 to 3000 addresses are $0.40 each
  • 3001+ addresses are $0.30 each
  • 50% off repeat orders: If you wish to schedule a second or third Sponsored Promotion (with the same content to the same recipients), you may do so at half the price of your first order AND have the opportunity to change the subject line. This is great for reminder emails as your event date or promotion deadline approaches!


  • Text of the Subject field for your Sponsored Promotion (maximum of 50 alphanumeric characters).
  • Optional: Graphic display ad, which will be primary content of the email, in JPG format (maximum of 800 pixels wide). You may also supply a PDF file of the correct dimensions, and we will convert it to a JPG for you.
  • Optional: URL to which you would like your graphic to link when a reader clicks on your Sponsored Promotion (e.g., http://www.yoursitename.com). We recommend that your graphic include a call-to-action such as “Click here for more information” to drive traffic to your site.
  • Optional: Body text of the email. If you wish to link specific portions of text to the web, please provide basic HTML code.
  • Select from the following demographics:

– Entire List – over 13,000 TVF members
– in USA, Canada and Internationally
– Country – select a specific country
– State or Province – in any combination

Terms and Conditions

  • Orders must be prepaid. We accept check,  credit card (Visa or MasterCard or PayPal).
  • Full payment is required for orders that you cancel after they are mailed out.
  • Orders that you cancel after the order is processed are subject to a service fee.
  • Please be aware that some email addresses may be incorrect if members have not updated their contact information with us.
  • While we are not able to guarantee open and click-through rates, we are happy to provide you with these statistics upon request.

Request an Estimate

To get a specific quote for your targeted list, please email us at office@voicefoundation.org.