
WEVOSYS is a global provider of modern professional digital systems for speech and voice assessment, documentation and biofeedback – Made in Germany. Systems like lingWAVES are acknowledged as the modern standard for professional clinical users worldwide with full range of service and support. A continuous development since 1995 assures high quality, up-to-date and durable products.

WEVOSYS medical technology GmbH| T: +49-9544-98588-0 | Am Ellersgraben 24 | 96148 Baunach | Germany | www.wevosys.com

lingWAVES smartENDOSTROBO: Smart, mobile, powerful and up-to-date lingWAVES system for video endoscopy, stroboscopy, FEES –  that fits into a notebook case – www.smartendostrobo.com


KayPentax is now Pentax Medical Pentax provides endoscopic imaging devices and solutions to the global medical community. We specialize in the development of video and fiber endoscopy equipment for observation, therapeutic and researach applications in the GI, ENT and Pulmonary medical fields, offering a full range of products and services based on leading edge R&D and manufacturing. Excellence in FocusTM | T: 800-289-5297 | 3 Paragon Drive | Montvale, NJ 07645 |  pentaxmedical.com

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For more information, contact 215-735-7999 or office@voicefoundation.org