Journal of Voice is the world’s premiere journal for voice medicine and research. This peer-reviewed publication is listed in Index Medicus and is indexed by the Institute for Scientific Information. 2016 marks the Journal’s thirtith volume year. Its antecedent publication, “Transcripts of the Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice,” was published during the preceding decade. The Journal contains articles written by experts throughout the world on all topics in voice sciences, voice medicine and surgery, speech-language pathologists’ management of voice-related problems, and voice pedagogy. The Journal includes clinical articles, clinical research and laboratory research. As of 2007, Journal of Voice is published bi-monthly, in January, March, May, July, September and November.

Journal of Voice cover image
Journal of Voice

Journal of Voice Best Papers 2007 – present

Robert Thayer Sataloff, MD, DMA, FACS

Managing Editor
Melanie Culhane, MM

Editorial Board
The Editorial Board is comprised of leading figures in the scientific and medical voice professions.

Editorial Office
Journal of Voice
219 Broad St. 10FL
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Telephone: 215-735-7999
Fax: 215-762-5572

Elsevier Inc. As the world’s leading publisher of science and health information, Elsevier serves more than 30 million scientists, students, and health and information professionals worldwide.

Please visit for more information about Journal of Voice, including subscription information and article downloads.

Subscription information
If you would like to receive Journal of Voice, you can do so either by joining the Voice Foundation as a Professional Member or by purchasing a subscription from Elsevier.

NATS members please contact us for information about your special subscription price.

Institutional Access
Visit ScienceDirect or Clinical Key to see if you have access via your institution.

For librarians interested in an electronic subscription for their institution, please visit

Author information
Instruction on how to prepare you manuscript for submission to the Journal of Voice can be found HERE.

Resources for early career researchers:
For free e-learning modules developed by global experts on how to prepare your manuscript, using proper manuscript language and structuring an article, as well as career guidance and advice, please go to


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