Please use this searchable database to view abstract information from our 53rd Annual Symposium in 2024

Abstract Title

The Impact of Mindfulness Meditation on Voice Production


Background: The kinesiology literature has consistently shown that attention to external outcomes is associated with greater benefits for motor learning over an internal, biomechanical focus of attention. However, previous studies did not specifically consider the influence of affective valence on attentional processes in learning. This study addressed this gap using mindfulness meditation (MM) training to examine the potential impact of quality of attention on voice production. Our hypothesis was that an equanimous attitude toward present-moment internal state, interoception, and related affective feelings, along with distinctive neurophysiological processes, would positively affect voice learning.
Methods: Five adult novice meditator singers-in-training completed the study. The task was to smooth chest-to-falsetto (head voice) register transitions in singing. Three randomly assigned participants received a four-week mindfulness meditation (MM) training tailored for singers with an emphasis on equanimity (nonjudgmental, nonreactive attitude) towards interoceptive sensations and related affective feelings during singing. Two participants were trained in basic voice science in a relaxed environment to control for attention and relaxation, two potential confounding factors for the experimental treatment of MM. Pre-post measures included (a) acoustic, aerodynamic (subglottic pressure and airflow), perceptual, and physiologic (electroglottography EGG) measures of voice, (b) questionnaire-derived trait mindfulness (Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire) and movement behavior (Movement Specific Reinvestment Scale), and (c) brain activation measures from fMRI imaging; (d) micro-phenomenological interview post-intervention to assess pre-reflexive aspects of their experience. To assess learning over time, we conducted acoustic and aerodynamic measurements of voice before and after each of the four training sessions.
Results: Analyses are in progress.
Conclusion: The expectation is that an equanimous (nonjudgmental, nonreactive) attitude towards interoceptive states and related affective feelings will benefit motor voice learning in this participant pool, and that insights will be gained regarding the neurophysiological and experiential bases for these findings. If confirmed, results would call for a reassessment in voice pedagogy of the relative advantages of an external focus on outcomes vs. an internal focus on interoceptive sensations in light of affective regulation taught by MM training.

First NameAude
Last NameCardona
Author #2 First NameKatherine
Author #2 Last NameVerdolini Abbott
Author #3 First NameGiuseppe
Author #3 Last NamePagnoni
Author #4 First NameShaheen
Author #4 Last NameAwan