Abstract | Background: In the realm of classical singing, performances of identical repertoires in diverse acoustic and visual settings display significant adaptations. These adjustments in the singer’s delivery are influenced by a myriad of factors, encompassing the artist’s perception of the acoustic surroundings, the visual aesthetics of the performance venue, and the measured acoustic properties of the space.
Objectives: Voice production behaviors were evaluated to explore the effects of room acoustics on five voice parameters: vibrato rate, vibrato extent, vibrato jitter (Jvib), vibrato shimmer, and quality ratio (QR), an estimation of the singer’s formant power.
Methods: The subjects were ten classically-trained professional singers (five males and five females). Subjects sang the aria da camera “Caro mio ben” by Giordani in their preferred key in three different performance venues with different acoustics and dimensions, with and without a virtual reality headset that simulated the same room.
Results: The study revealed significant adaptability in voice production behaviors among ten classically-trained professional singers, both male and female, as they performed the aria da camera “Caro mio ben” by Giordani in three different performance venues. Consistency in the performance was found between the condition in the real room and the condition with VR simulating the same room. Notably, vibrato rate, extent, jitter (Jvib), shimmer, and quality ratio (QR), an estimate of the singer’s formant power, remain consistent due to the successful immersion provided by the virtual reality technology.
Conclusions: These results emphasize the complex interplay between room acoustics, visual perception, and vocal parameters in influencing the delivery of classical singing performances, shedding light on the multifaceted nature of artistic adaptation.