48th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice Tutorials and Lectures


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48th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice Tutorials and Lectures

2019 Tutorials

Tutorials take place on the first day of the Symposium to help prepare attendees for the research papers on subsequent days. They typically include Anatomy and Physiology of the Voice and Production and Perception of the Voice.

An Overview Anatomy and Physiology of Phonation (Sataloff), Production of Voice  (Larson Sundberg)

Robert Sataloff, MD, DMA, FACS


Charles Larson, PhD


Johan Sundberg, PhD


An Overview – Part II  (Scherer, Ternström, Shrivastav, Spivey)

An Overview of Phonation
Ronald S. Scherer, PhD



Overview of Acoustics
Sten Ternström, PhD,



Rahul Shrivastav, PhD



Voice Pedagogy
Norman Spivey, DMA



Keynote Speech 2019, Peter Q. Pfordrescher, PhD
Pitch Accuracy in Singing: What Is It, Where Does It Come From, and What Is It For?

Peter Q. Pfordresher (PhD Ohio State, 2001) is Professor and Chair in the Department of Psychology at the University at Buffalo, the State University of New York.
His research focuses on the relationship between per-ception and action in the context of music, including the sensorimotor bases of poor-pitch singing, the role of auditory feedback in music performance, cognitive mechanisms for retrieval of music during perfor-mance, and the interplay between melody and rhythm during perception and production. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the Fulbright Foundation, and the National Association for Research in Music Education. His books include Sound and Action in Music Performance (Academic Press, 2019) and Psychology of Music: From Sound to Significance (2nd edition, with Siu-Lan Tan and Rom Har-ré, Routledge, 2018).


G. Paul Moore Lecture: Nancy Pearl Solomon, PhD, CCC-SLP
The Many Voices of Conducting Research

Nancy Solomon went to the University of Arizona for her doctoral degree (1991) with Dr. Thomas Hixon, and for a post-doctoral fellow-ship at the University of Iowa, mentored by Dr. Erich Luschei and Dr. Donald Robin, where she also collaborated with Dr. Ingo Titze. She joined the faculty at the University of Minnesota in 1995, leaving in 2002. Dr. Solomon is well known for her research on motor speech disorders, supported by funding from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation and the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, and oral-motor function for speech and swallowing, sup-ported by funding from ASHF and the Department of the Army. Throughout her career, she has maintained a parallel program of re-search addressing voice and voice disorders and has actively supported the planning of The Voice Foundation Symposia for the past 15 years.


Quintana Research Award Lecture 2018, Seigi Niimi, MD, PhD
Award for engineering contributions to voice science
Quantitative Analysis of the Vocal Fold Vibration of Normal Subjects and Various Pathological Cases by Using High-Speed Digital Imaging System

Seiji Niimi, MD, PhD, is Professor Emeritus (Faculty of Medicine) at the University of Tokyo, where he was also a Professor in the Research Institute of Logopedics and Phoniatrics. He is a Professor in the Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology at the International University of Health and Welfare.

Panels, Special Sessions

Friday Morning Special Session:

Alternative and Complementary Voice Management

Moderator: Nancy Pearl Solomon
When ‘Alternative’ Voice Care Becomes Mainstream
Nancy Pearl Solomon, PhD


Integrative and Holistic Voice Care by the Laryngologist
Benjamin Asher, MD



Nutrition for the Vocalist: A Necessity, Not an Alternative!
Jennifer Nasser, PhD


Laryngeal Manual Therapies: Evidence for Massage or Massaging the Evidence?
Kelly Silverio, PhD



Eastern Medicine for the Voice: Herbs, Acupuncture, and More
Edwin Yiu, PhD


Great Expectorations: Multidisciplinary Management of Chronic Cough in Professional Voice Users
Moderator: Jonathan Bock, MD Panelists: Thomas L. Carroll, MD, Daniel Fink, MD, Julianna Litts CCC-SLP, Claudio Milstein, PhD, Michael Pitman, MD


CoMet Panel Management of Artistic Voice

Moderator: R. Eugenia Chávez Calderón MD Orietta Calcinoni, MD, Robert T. Sataloff, MD, , Josef Schlömicher-Thier, MD, Peek Woo, MD


Voice Science and Experimental Psychology: Shall We Dance?

Moderators: Elisa Monti, PhD, Leah Helou, PhD
Presentation: Shelley Feuer, PhD, Experimental Psychologist
Panel: Shelley Feuer, PhD, Leah Helou, PhD; Elisa Monti, PhD,
Miriam van Mersbergen, PhD, Maria Dietrich, PhD, Stephanie Misono, MD MPH



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