47th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice Tutorials and Lectures

2018 Tutorials

Tutorials take place on the first day of the Symposium to help prepare attendees for the research papers on subsequent days. They typically include Anatomy and Physiology of the Voice and Production and Perception of the Voice.

An Overview
Anatomy and Physiology of Phonation
Robert Sataloff, MD, DMA, FACS


An Overview (Scherer, Ternström, Eddins, Riley)
An Overview of Phonation – Ronald S. Scherer, PhD


Overview of Acoustics – Sten Ternström, PhD,


Perception – David Eddins, PhD



 Voice Pedagogy – William Riley, MM



Keynote Speech 2018, Boris Kleber, PhD
The Brain That Learns to Sing and Is Changed by It

Boris Kleber, PhD, neurophysiologist, who has studied the brain in singers with interesting results.


G. Paul Moore Lecture: Nicolas E. Maragos, MD
Doing No Harm



Quintana Research Award Lecture 2018, Luc Mongeau
Award for engineering contributions to voice science
Biomaterials and Strategies for Permanent Vocal Fold Lamina Propria Repair and Reconstruction

Panels, Special Sessions

Friday Morning Special Session:

Exercise and the Voice
Moderator: Nancy Pearl Solomon
Historical Context and Introductions – Nancy Pearl Solomon, PhD
Sports Science and the Vocalist – Mary Sandage, PhD
Neuromuscular Physiology of Vocal Exercise – Aaron Johnson, PhD
Be a Better Instrument: Sport-Specific Training for the Vocal Athlete – Claudia Friedlander, DMA
Synthesizing Vocal Technique with Whole Body Awareness Through Yoga – Mark Moliterno, MM
Panel Discussion

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