The Voice Foundation 2017 46th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice
Use of Adeno Associated Virus to Express Epithelial Transport Genes in the Vocal Folds
His laboratory investigates this questions using primary cultures of human airway epithelia at the air liquid interface, animal modes including mice and pigs with deletion of the CFTR gene, and humans with cystic fibrosis. They are currently studying the effect of inhaled buffers to enhance airway innate immunity. Second, Dr. Zabner investigates the development of vectors for gene therapy in cystic fibrosis. Currently, they have been using ‘directed evolution’ to select adeno-associated viruses that efficiently target the airway epithelia of humans and pigs. The porcine model of Cystic Fibrosis will allow them to ask the question if ‘gene transfer’ can result in ‘gene therapy’ Third, his laboratory also investigates how the receptor for adenovirus regulates epithelial functions as well as pathogenesis of adenovirus airway infection. Finally, they have been investigating the effect of an endogenous lactonase ‘paraoxonase' that can degrade quorum-sensing molocules used by Pseudomonas Aeruginos. This family of proteins is ubiquitously expressed in the airways and may represent a novel form of innate immunity against quorum-sensing bacteria.[+] Show More

His laboratory investigates this questions using primary cultures of human airway epithelia at the air liquid interface, animal modes including mice and pigs with deletion of the CFTR gene, and humans with cystic fibrosis. They are currently studying the effect of inhaled buffers to enhance airway innate immunity. Second, Dr. Zabner investigates the development of vectors for gene therapy in cystic fibrosis. Currently, they have been using ‘directed evolution’ to select adeno-associated viruses that efficiently target the airway epithelia of humans and pigs. The porcine model of Cystic Fibrosis will allow them to ask the question if ‘gene transfer’ can result in ‘gene therapy’ Third, his laboratory also investigates how the receptor for adenovirus regulates epithelial functions as well as pathogenesis of adenovirus airway infection. Finally, they have been investigating the effect of an endogenous lactonase ‘paraoxonase' that can degrade quorum-sensing molocules used by Pseudomonas Aeruginos. This family of proteins is ubiquitously expressed in the airways and may represent a novel form of innate immunity against quorum-sensing bacteria.[+] Show More

When Exceptional Speaking Skills are Required
Moderator: Nancy Pearl Solomon
Special Session
Vocal demands of professional speaking: Personal journeys
Elaine Pasqua
Walt Hunter

Moderator: Nancy Pearl Solomon

Friday, June 2, 2017 - PART I
Special Session
Transgender Voice: Insights and Updates
Moderator: Nancy Pearl Solomon
Care of the Transgender Voice: Historical ...Context
Nancy Pearl Solomon, PhD
Managing Gender Dysphoria: From Childhood to Old Age
Wylie Hembree, MD
Laryngel Surgery from Male to Female Gender Reassignment
Robert T. Sataloff, MD
Selecting Targets for Transgender Voice and Communication Training -Jennifer Oates, PhD
Evaluating Transgender Voice and Communication -Georgia Dacakis, MEd
Current perspectives and future directions for Transgender Voice Care - Adrienne Hancock, PhD
Panel Discussion[+] Show More

Friday, June 2, 2017 - PART II
Special Session
Transgender Voice: Insights and Updates
Moderator: Nancy Pearl Solomon
Evaluating Transgender Voice and Communication -Georgia ...Dacakis, MEd
Current perspectives and future directions for Transgender Voice Care - Adrienne Hancock, PhD
Panel Discussion[+] Show More

When Exceptional Speaking Skills are Required - Moderator Nancy P. Solomon, PHD
Walking the actor’s tightrope between vocal survival and extreme ...vocal demands
Bonnie Raphael
Vocal demands of professional speaking: Personal journeys
Johnny Heller - Actor, Voice Over, Audio Books[+] Show More

An Overview (Scherer, Ternström, Shrivastav, Riley)
2017 Tutorials
Tutorials take place on the first day of the Symposium to help prepare attendees for the research papers on subsequent days. They typically include Anatomy and Physiology of the Voice and Production and Perception of the Voice.
An Overview
Anatomy and Physiology of Phonation
Robert Sataloff, MD, DMA, FACS
An Overview (Larson, Sundberg)
Production and Perception of Voice I
NEURO – Charles Larson, PhD
RESPIRATION – Johan Sundberg, PhD
An Overview (Scherer, Ternström, Shrivastav, Riley)
Production and Perception of Voice II
PHONATION – Ronald S. Scherer, PhD
VOCAL TRACT – Sten Ternström, PhD,
PERCEPTION – Rahul Shrivastav, PhD
VOICE PEDAGOGY – William Riley, MM
Keynote Speech 2017, Robert Zatorre, PhD
Perception , Production and Pleasure: The Neuroscience of Music
G. Paul Moore Lecture: Sten Ternström
Mind the Gap
Quintana Research Award Lecture 2017, Dimitar Deliyski, PhD
for engineering contributions to voice science
An Engineeer in Dysphonialand
Panels, Special Sessions
Panel: Lana Shekim, PhD, Michael M. Johns, MD
NIH Research Training and Research Career Opportunities
Friday Morning Special Session:
PART I: Transgender Voice: Insights and Updates
Nancy Pearl Solomon, Moderator
Care of the Transgender Voice: Historical Context – Nancy Pearl Solomon, PhD
Managing Gender Dysphoria: From Childhood to Old Age – Wylie Hembree, MD
Laryngel Surgery from Male to Female Gender Reassignment – Robert T. Sataloff, MD
Selecting Targets for Transgender Voice and Communication Training – Jennifer Oates, PhD
PART II: Transgender Voice: Insights and Updates
Evaluating Transgender Voice and Communication -Georgia Dacakis, MEd
Current perspectives and future directions for Transgender Voice Care – Adrienne Hancock, PhD
Panel Discussion