Abstract Title

The 5 Steps to Create Your Own Scientific-Based and Efficient Voice and Speech Training/Therapy Program

Submission CategorySpeech Language Pathology
Presentation TypeWorkshop
Willing to Present as Poster?Yes

Objective: In order to keep covering the gap between science and practice, as the recent effort of the Speech-Therapists all over the world, our main goal is to provide the key steps for speech-therapists and vocal coaches to create their own efficient scientific-based speech training/therapy program in all its structure: the exercises, the tasks, the topics of counseling and outcome measures. All the proposed structure of this hands-on training is the result of a PhD thesis. At the final of the workshop, the attendants are supposed to have the elements to provide the best clinical achievements and make sure their patients will have their aimed accomplishments.

Methods: This is hands-on training on creating a training/therapy program in 5 steps. The following steps are: (1) choosing the target-patient; (2) Remembering the Foundations of voice/speech therapy/training; (3) Discussing the best scientific-based exercises and tasks for therapy; (4) Discovering how to build a therapeutic program and how to develop a training/therapy program chain; (5) Selecting the best outcome measures to provide objective, reliable and trustable results of the therapy/training development and accomplishments. In all steps, the attendants have to face and choose the best alternative in each case by a consensus between the majority of the participants.

Results: Every step leads to another one and at the final of our journey, the training protocol with (1) evaluation, (2) length of the treatment, (3) modality (remote/in-person; regular/intensive), (4) therapy sessions and (5) revaluation will be the result of the workshop. All of these steps, based on the most recent scientific evidence.

Conclusion: With this workshop we expect, besides giving the state-of-art of the voice and speech training/therapy field, to empower vocal scientists and clinicians on their own daily practice. We scientists and care providers need confidence to keep achieving new goals in our career and provide the best therapeutic program and results to our patients. We believe that sharing all this knowledge acquired in these past five years that resulted in a PhD thesis will be helpful to the care of the professional voice.

First NameJoão Marcos
Last Nameda Trindade Duarte