Chicago Chapter Event

SD Brochure If you’d like to have a great experience learning about SD and vocal tremor, please join us for this course.  It’s part of the NSDA symposium, with “master classes” where you work with individuals who have SD…AD, AB, and vocal tremor.  The didactic portion on Friday features Julie Barkmeier-Kraemer from UC-Davis and Kate DeVore. …

The Life and Legacy of Garyth Nair- Tribute Concert

Celebrating a Life and Legacy Tribute Concert in loving memory of Professor Garyth Nair March 28, 2014 8:00 p.m. (reception following the concert) Concert Hall Dorothy Young Center for the Arts Drew University, 36 Madison Avenue, Madison, NJ, US, 07940 RSVP online or to by March 21, and include any words you would like added to the tribute…

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