Stroboscopy Oscars

STROBOSCOPY OSCARS 2012 Every other year, one of our symposium panels focuses on educational and, frankly, very weird strobes. Hosted by Advisory Board Chairman Michael M. Johns, MD and Eva van Leer, PhD, the session includes awarding the Strobe Oscar in categories. The audience takes the part of the “Academy” by voting. Winners are awarded…

Prizes to Jeong Min Lee, Ketake Phadke, Marina Englert, Lívia Lima Krohling

Congratulations! to Jeong Min Lee, Ketake Phadke, Marina Englert, Lívia Lima Krohling The First Place Winner of the 2017 Best Student Presentation with both highest mean and median ratings from the judges is: Jeong Min Lee Comparison of Two Acoustic Indices of Dysphonia Severity: The AVQI and CSID (Advisor: Dr. N. Roy, University of Utah). Her research poster…

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